
August 2020

All Stories, Even the Ones We Love, Must Eventually Come to an End

2020-08-22T01:32:23+00:00Adventures, Be Kind, Church, Coffee, Faith, Freedom, My Story|

I don’t know about you all, but this has been such a long, crazy week! Work has had just a little extra spice added to it, and on top of that, I’m currently housesitting. I honestly love when I get to stay here and help these people with their wonderful puppies, but something about not going home to sleep in your own bed can somehow make long weeks even more exhausting. I took a nap when I [...]

September 2019

Casseroles, Christianity, and Casting Crowns

2019-09-30T02:29:00+00:00Anxiety, Be Kind, Church, Coffee, Depression, Faith, Freedom, Ministry, My Story|

I read an article today about casserole. No, it wasn’t a recipe shared on a mommy blog. It was written by a lady who was looking at the Church (big “C” intended) and seeing a glaring dysfunction. The link to it is here, but I’ll also summarize it for you. Basically, she describes a time that she was going through a divorce – devastated, hurt, just trying to make it day in and day out. Within [...]

May 2017

Are They Toxic or are You Allergic?

2017-05-24T15:46:01+00:00Be Kind, Church, Faith, Family|

I suffer from seasonal allergies. Many people (30% of our adult population) do. Pollen and other microscopic spores that permeate the air in the warmer months can do a number on my sinuses and make me quite miserable. For some reason my body has decided that these things are out to harm me and it freaks out when it detects them. But pollen isn't inherently bad. It serves a very important purpose in our world. Without [...]

Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving??

2017-05-15T02:15:14+00:00Faith, My Story|

"I'm honestly terrified of getting old and dying alone... I got a birthday card from  Geico today and it triggered something.  What if I end up one of those old ladies who's family and friends have all gotten married and had kids and moved on with life and I'm left sitting int an old house by myself ripping up junk mail into little pieces just to keep myself occupied with only Geico acknowledging my existence with a [...]

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